ResMan Blog

Getting Through Hard Times: How Company Culture Can Make or Break Your Success

Megan Thomas
September 18, 2024
Hard times are inevitable. Those in multifamily can attest to that, especially with current market conditions. Culture is composed of three parts: what you expect, what you will or will not tolerate..
culture multifamily

ResMan Utilities Webinar: Getting Smarter About Smart Meters and Their Benefits vs RUBS

Friday, September 27, 2024
1:00pm CT
If you have submeters or are considering adding them to your properties, or if you're currently using RUBS to allocate utility costs to residents, this webinar is for you! Jeramy Cannon and Chris Stimac from Cannon Metering will discuss the benefits of submeters, new technologies that are coming to the industry, and how to best manage the lifecycle of submeters that you have in place today.
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February 23, 2024

LIHTC Compliance: A Q&A Interview with Tax Credit Expert, Scott Michael Dunn

With HOTMA implementation and impending action on WFHTC (Workforce Housing Tax Credit) legislation, we thought it was a good time to sit down with Tax Credit expert, Scott Michael Dunn...
February 15, 2024

Navigating the 2024 Multifamily Landscape: Expert Insights from the NMHC Apartment Strategies Conference

Insights from Orphe Divounguy, Senior Economist at Zillow, and Cristian DeRitis, Deputy Chief Economist at Moody's Analytics, offered us a compass for the year ahead for the multifamily market...
February 5, 2024

Rent Control: The Band-Aid for Housing Affordability’s Gaping Wound

It is no secret that housing affordability is a real crisis across the U.S., especially for booming cities such as Austin, Dallas/Fort Worth, Washington D.C., Atlanta, and Phoenix. We know...
January 24, 2024

Unlocking Opportunity: The Need for Workforce Housing Credits

The introduction of Workforce Housing Credits (WHTC) is a beacon of hope, posing to make a substantial difference in the lives of our public service workers. The recently proposed act would be...
January 23, 2024

4 Things Multifamily Leadership Needs to Do NOW for 2024

Even though the year ahead will be competitive, the positive outlook is that someone still ends up on top. January is the time to get honest with your current processes and get a firm grasp on what...
December 21, 2023

Affordable Updates Going into 2024

There are lots of conversations in the Affordable housing industry to update you on, including TRACS 203A, legislation surrounding the industry, and current market outlooks!
December 7, 2023

Headwinds and Tailwinds: The Emerging Story About Multifamily Market Conditions in 2024

In 2024, it's not cautious optimism that will serve operators best, but rather a sustained state of alertness. So, let’s assess the current market, its direction, and the optimistic horizon...
November 14, 2023

HOTMA is Coming: 4 Key Elements To Successful Implementation

Successful implementation of HOTMA changes is achievable. Are you ready to be part of the team that gets it done?
November 13, 2023

7 Surprising Statistics on Applicant Fraud

Applicant fraud is one of the most prevalent forms of fraud across multifamily. Not only is it frequent, but it is also costly for property management companies. But how big is its impact really?
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