ResMan Blog

Getting Through Hard Times: How Company Culture Can Make or Break Your Success

Megan Thomas
September 18, 2024
Hard times are inevitable. Those in multifamily can attest to that, especially with current market conditions. Culture is composed of three parts: what you expect, what you will or will not tolerate..
culture multifamily

ResMan Utilities Webinar: Getting Smarter About Smart Meters and Their Benefits vs RUBS

Friday, September 27, 2024
1:00pm CT
If you have submeters or are considering adding them to your properties, or if you're currently using RUBS to allocate utility costs to residents, this webinar is for you! Jeramy Cannon and Chris Stimac from Cannon Metering will discuss the benefits of submeters, new technologies that are coming to the industry, and how to best manage the lifecycle of submeters that you have in place today.
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November 8, 2023

Recognizing and Embracing Effective Renewal Strategies

As most know, renewals start from the day renters move in. With that in mind, let’s break down what all impacts resident retention so your properties can refine renewal strategies.
October 9, 2023

Balancing Multifamily Growth: The Case for YIMBY in the Face of NIMBY Concerns

NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) groups raise legitimate concerns about the impact of new apartment complexes on their neighborhoods. Let's explore YIMBY's response to some of their concerns.
September 11, 2023

Creating a Culture of Resiliency as Leaders

Stephanie Puryear-Helling shared her insights for leaders in multifamily, specifically around handling change as a business and helping your teams become more resilient together.
August 21, 2023

Act Now! 6 Steps to Minimize Growing Pains as You Scale

Imagine working in a company where everyone in the organization understands how their role contributes to the overall success of the company, where employees can learn and grow into a more skilled...
August 15, 2023

How You Can Build a Strategic Budget in a Competitive 2024 Rental Market

As seasoned property managers, you are no stranger to the complexities of budgeting for your apartment communities. The 2024 budgeting cycle presents unique challenges in a competitive market...
August 9, 2023

5 Reasons Why Your Property’s Website is Your Primary Marketing Tool

We wanted to shine a light on what should be your top marketing tool as properties and the 5 reasons why it is your primary resource for leasing apartments.
July 31, 2023

Debunking the Big Bad Landlord Myth

If we know most landlords are here for good and not for evil, why are renters still struggling to see this, too?
May 9, 2023

Why ResMan Customers Aren’t Worried About Delayed Income Limit Updates from HUD

If you haven’t already heard the special tabulations of ACS 2021 data HUD needs for median family income calculations was not available until earlier this year which ultimately means HUD has delayed t
April 25, 2023

Why Your Conventional Software Won’t Cut It for LIHTC Units  

Are you attempting to use conventional software for your LIHTC units? Uh oh! Iceberg ahead! Here's why.
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