ResMan Blog

Getting Through Hard Times: How Company Culture Can Make or Break Your Success

Megan Thomas
September 18, 2024
Hard times are inevitable. Those in multifamily can attest to that, especially with current market conditions. Culture is composed of three parts: what you expect, what you will or will not tolerate..
culture multifamily

ResMan Utilities Webinar: Getting Smarter About Smart Meters and Their Benefits vs RUBS

Friday, September 27, 2024
1:00pm CT
If you have submeters or are considering adding them to your properties, or if you're currently using RUBS to allocate utility costs to residents, this webinar is for you! Jeramy Cannon and Chris Stimac from Cannon Metering will discuss the benefits of submeters, new technologies that are coming to the industry, and how to best manage the lifecycle of submeters that you have in place today.
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September 28, 2021

Getting Ready for the Trickiest Budget Season in a While

How tricky will budget season be for management companies with the possibility of rising inflation, supply chain management issues, the eviction moratorium’s fallout and the threat of natural disaster
September 17, 2021

Takeaways from 6 NAA Apartmentalize 2021 Sessions

Some things were different about NAA Apartmentalize this year, but one thing that wasn’t was the great content that the association puts together to share best practices...
September 3, 2021

ICYMI: Top Questions Asked at ResMan’s NAA Apartmentalize Booth

NAA Apartmentalize has been such an amazing conference! Attendance may have been a bit lighter this year than in past years, but interest and enthusiasm among those who attended was stronger than ever
August 25, 2021

10 Things You Should Know About Electronic Signatures, Transmission and Storage

Why Are Electronic Signatures, Transmission and Storage Important to Our Industry? We've listed the 10 things you should know about its benefits to multifamily.
July 21, 2021

Key Takeaways from The Council for Affordable and Rural Housing’s Mid-Year Conference

ResMan was excited to participate IN PERSON at the 2021 Council for Affordable and Rural Housing (CARH) Mid-Year Conference which took place in late June in Arlington, VA.
July 19, 2021

Securing Emergency Rental Assistance for Your Residents: It’s Now or Never!

The apartment industry has proven resilient during the pandemic. Data from National Multihousing Council (NMHC) Rent Tracker Project indicates rent collections returned to normal last summer...
June 30, 2021

The Virtual Leasing Office Is Here to Stay – And It’s Just Getting Started

A personable, attentive and knowledgeable leasing professional will be a key component of any apartment community’s team during the second half of the year and most of the country steps away...
June 24, 2021

The Rise of Rural Housing Management Technology

Greater focus is being placed on Rural Housing management, a unique government-supported niche market for renters often living under difficult financial circumstances in areas...
June 23, 2021

The Best Marketing Strategies for Property Management Companies

A property’s success hinges on a strong multifamily marketing strategy. Even if your property already has a website and you’re posting units on apartment listing sites
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